The Zero-Learning Zone

December 10, 2018

Recently, Jim wrote an article for ACSD called Escape From the Zero-Learning Zone. This article discusses why educators frequently turn away from opportunities to learn, and what we can do about it. Jim identifies the zero-learning zone as a place we go to when we act, consciously or unconsciously, in ways that block our own learning. Examples of this can be turning down the opportunity to work with a coach, not wanting to be videotaped in fear of how you may look, adopting beliefs that isolate us from new ideas, blaming others, making excuses, and dismissing feedback.

Ultimately, what gets someone in the zero-leading zone is fear, having to challenge your own identity, and lack of hope. After Jim identifies what the zero-learning zone is, he offers suggestions on how to step out of it. You can read the article in its entirety by clicking here.

If you’d like, you can also listen to a podcast on the zero-learning zone by clicking here.