I’m fortunate to be a part of ICG, where I get to experience many great learning experiences. One experience I’m most excited about, is the upcoming Leadership CoachingInstitute, which John Campbell, from Sydney, Australia, and Christian Van Nieuwerburgh, from London, England, will be presenting with me. This will be the first time ever that John, Christian, and I have come together to present as a team, andI’m thrilled to see what I will learn from my colleagues.
During our three days together, John will be sharing theGROWTH coaching process, which he and Christian describe in their book, The Leaders Guide to Coaching in Schools.Christian will be sharing essential coaching skills, from his book An Introduction to Coaching Skills, andI’ll be talking about the coaching way of being, which I describe in Better Conversations.
The sessions are especially designed for administrators who want to adopt a coaching approach for coaches who want to explore more ways of being an effective coach, or anyone who is interested in a coaching approach to leadership.
If you’re interested in learning more about John, Christian, and my collective thinking, you can check out two articles we published recently. There first one can be downloaded for free by clicking the link. The second article is available for purchase using the Principal Connections link below.
Seven Ways Principals Can Improve Professional Conversations
Can Principals Be Coaches?-Principal Connections
You can also check out a podcast I did with the Bam Radio Network, where I talked a lot about what I was learning from John and Christian. The link is below!
You can learn more about the sessions happening this April here: