ICG Certification: Getting Down to Business

August 14, 2024

Our first two blog posts about ICG certification heavily discussed the “Why?” of becoming a candidate for certification. The “Why?” is important to examine when considering any long-term commitment, but instructional coaches are busy people, and they need an explanation of the “How?” and “What?” as well. The mission of this post is to explain the process itself and to answer a timeless question: “What do I have to do?”The PortfolioTo achieve ICG certification, candidates will submit a portfolio framed by the Seven Success Factors for effective instructional coaching. The seven sections of the portfolio all require written materials, and some require video materials as well. See the breakdown for each of the seven sections here: The PortfolioThe TimeICG certification is a three-year process for candidates.

  • Year 1: Candidates will submit as many of the seven components of the portfolio as they like (or none at all) at the end of year 1. (submission window for pilot-phase candidates: May 1-June 15, 2018)
  • Year 2: Candidates will submit all of the components of the portfolio that they have not yet submitted by the end of year 2. (submission window for pilot-phase candidates: May 1-June 15, 2019)
  • Year 3: Based on the scores they received on each component after year 2, candidates will submit “retakes” of any component that does not meet the “floor score” or to get their overall portfolio score to the certification threshold of 2.75. (retake submission window for pilot-phase candidates: May 1-June 15, 2020)

See the scoring guidelines here: The TimeThe MoneyThe cost per candidate for the pilot phase is $400. ICG does not intend to profit from this process, only to cover the cost of administering and scoring the process and supporting candidates. The cost of certification for future certification cycles will only increase if those costs increase. Payment occurs via PayPal on the Registration page: