High-Quality Teaching > High-Fidelity Teaching

October 18, 2022

“When teachers set compelling student-focused goals for engagement or achievement, they establish an objective standard for judging how effectively they are implementing new practices. The standard for excellence in teaching should always be student growth.” – Jim Knight

To have an unmistakably positive impact on student learning and navigate the complexities of the classroom, teachers often need to adjust the dial on instructional strategies until they see clearly that there is a change in their students’ behavioral or achievement outcomes.

Consequently, it becomes a delicate balancing act to introduce a research-based strategy to a colleague while being mindful of their professional autonomy, the needs of their students at this moment, the intricacies of their classroom, all while holding the line for the fidelity of the instructional strategy. As a result, we can ensure that student learning and well-being become the standard for high quality teaching – thus, High-Quality Teaching is > than High-Fidelity Teaching.

In this article, High-Quality Teaching > High Fidelity Teaching in ASCD, Jim shares three big ideas related to the problem with fidelity:

  1. Stressing fidelity diminishes teachers.
  2. One size doesn’t fit all.
  3. The checklist becomes the focus.

And goes on to offer three suggestions to find the balance on implementing high-quality instructional strategies with fidelity:

  1. Listening to teachers.
  2. Encouraging teachers to adapt the strategies.
  3. Focusing on students.

Click here to read Jim’s full article >>

How does this article and post help you rethink the position between implementing high impact instructional strategies with fidelity and finding balance with high-quality teaching and student-focused goals?