The Coach's Playlist: PEERS Goals

April 13, 2021
Written by
Jim Knight

The Coach's Playlist: PEERS Goals

June 14, 2024
April 13, 2021
Written by
Jim Knight


The Coach’s Playlist is a two-minute read packed with information based on an essential part of coaching. 

This week’s topic: PEERS Goals

The Idea

The most effective goals are PEERS goals:

  • Powerful - they will have a socially significant impact on students
  • Emotionally Compelling - they matter deeply to teachers and students
  • Easy - they involve as few roadblocks as possible
  • Reachable - a strategy and a measurable outcome have been identified
  • Student-focused - they have an impact on student engagement or achievement, or both


“If there’s no goal, it’s just a nice conversation.” - John Campbell, Growth Coaching International


Jim Knight, The Impact Cycle

Resource 1

A PEERS goal checklist

Resource 2

A column on habits, goals, learning, and beliefs


Are your coaching interactions guided by PEERS goals?

Professional Development

The Instructional Coaching Institute

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