The Definitive Guide to Instructional Coaching: Seven Factors For Success
Jim Knight
In The Definitive Guide to Instructional Coaching, best-selling author and coaching guru Jim Knight offers a blueprint for establishing, administering, and assessing an instructional coaching program laser-focused on every educator's ultimate goal: the academic success of students.
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“As I write The Definitive Guide to Instructional Coaching, I have tried to create a document that provides a concise yet comprehensive review of the beliefs, processes, knowledge, and skills that instructional coaches can use to guide their practice and administrators can employ to create a coaching program that has an unmistakably positive impact on students.”
– Jim Knight
The Seven Factors For Success
Who You Are
The Partnership Principles
Communication Skills
Coaches as Leaders
What You Do
The Impact Cycle
The Instructional Playbook
Where You Work
System Support
Learn How To Implement The Seven Success Factors In Your School Or District
Other Ways to Engage with the Seven Success Factors
Explore our other resources to learn more about Instructional Coaching. We offer a variety of workshops, PDFs, informational videos and more.
ICG: A Research Led Company
Jim Knight and ICG have conducted over 20 years of research on instructional coaching culminating in the seven factors for success. Having worked with more than 100,000 coaches from around the world, our data shows proof that successful implementation of these factors leads to improved student learning. As an industry leader, ICG grounds our operation in the first success factor: the Partnership Principles.