The Coach's Playlist: Questions

December 1, 2020
Written by
Jim Knight

The Coach's Playlist: Questions

June 14, 2024
December 1, 2020
Written by
Jim Knight

The Coach’s Playlist is a one-minute read packed with quick and useful resources based on an essential element of effective coaching.

This week's topic: Questions

The Idea

Never ask a question to get the answer you have already chosen.


“A good question is like a lever used to pry open the stuck lid on a paint can." Francis Peavey, quoted in Warren Berger’s A More Beautiful Question


Jackie Walsh and Beth Dankert Sattes, Leading Through Quality Questioning


Great Questions for Instructional Coaches, Radical Learners Blog


One example of questioning to set a coaching goal (6 min)


How often do you ask questions that are actually advice disguised as questions?

Professional Development

The Impact Cycle virtual workshop

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