Over 25 Years of Research
For more than two decades, Jim Knight and his colleagues at The University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning and the Instructional Coaching Group have been studying instructional coaching, communication, and other forms of professional development.
“In the early years, our work was about finding our way, finding names for what we did, grabbing what data we could to support what we were doing, and trying to get better at coaching every day. Over time, our instructional coaching model and our methodologies have improved.”
This page has been created to tell the story of instructional coaching through the research we have conducted.

All Published Research
Educational Leadership. 77(3), 14-20. Knight, J. (2019).
Beglau, M., Hare, J.C., Foltos, L., Gann, K., James, J., Jobe, H., Knight, J., Smith, B. (2011).
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Montréal, Quebec. Knight, J. (1999).
Stratenotes. 7(1) 1-3. Knight, J. (1998).