After a long break, during which I wrote my new book High-Impact Instruction, I’m bringing back the Radical Learners blog. The columns will be posted each Wednesday, and I’ll include my own thoughts along with the thoughts of guest authors.When I started this blog two years ago, I began with a simple statement:
The people who will save our schools are not the policy makers, or educational researchers, or text book developers, or consultants, or anyone else who works outside of a school. Our schools will be saved by the teachers, principals, superintendents and other educators who live to learn. This new group, people I call radical learners, is emerging in schools all across the world. They are people who are driven by learning, who get up in the morning fired up to try something new, to make a difference, to teach and learn.
I believe the need for radical learners is greater today than it was when I started writing this column. I’m excited to begin this journey again, and I invite you to be a part of the conversation.